An article related to the Westborough Golf Club was defeated at Town Meeting. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)
WESTBOROUGH – An article requesting to borrow $200,000 for schematic designs, and to obtain a restaurant consultant and owners project manager (OPM) for the Westborough Golf Club project was defeated at the Special Fall Town Meeting on Monday, Oct. 21.
Article 10 originally requested a borrow of $450,000 to fund design development, public engagement, a detailed cost estimate and create bid documents for the project.
The Municipal Building Committee modified the article at its meeting on Thursday, Oct. 17.
Some residents, including Peter Dunbeck and Steve Buttiglieri, questioned whether the town should get into the restaurant business.
“This plan was ill-conceived from the start,” said Mike Hightower.
Select Board member Sean Keogh said the funds would have helped figure out whether a restaurant would be feasible.
“We need to figure what is doable,” he said.
On the vote for the $200,000, the article failed by a vote of 122-228. Another vote for a reduced request of $50,000 was also defeated, 151-186.
The MBC, which has overseen the project, has postponed a final decision on whether to renovate or rebuild.
According to Bechtel Frank Erickson Architects Inc., which recently delivered the feasibility study, current cost estimates range from $7.2 million for new construction, to $8.2 million for renovation.
The feasibility study is available at https://ma-westborough.civicplus.com/DocumentCenter/View/4289/BFE-Final-Report