Ball to be presented with Good Scout Award


James “Jim” Ball

James “Jim” Ball

WESTBOROUGH – On Wednesday, Nov. 6, the Mayflower Council of the Boy Scouts of America will present James N. “Jim” Ball with the annual Good Scout Award.

The ceremony will take place at the Doubletree Hotel, 5400 Computer Drive. Reception will be held at 6 p.m., followed by dinner and program from 7 to 9 p.m.

“It’s exciting. It’s nice to be recognized,” said Ball. “I’ve lived in town for 60 years. The list [of prior Good Scout Award recipients] is pretty impressive.”

The award is particularly meaningful as his father, Nelson Ball, is a previous recipient.

Ball is currently an at-large member of the Community Preservation Committee. He is also the co-chair of the Westborough Public Library Foundation and a past member of the Planning Board.

RELATED CONTENT: Linnanes to receive 2023 Westborough Good Scout Award

A native of Westborough, Ball graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a bachelor’s degree in finance. He established his own financial advising business in 1984. Today, he is the founder and president of EverRise, which specializes in investment advice, insurance, business, tax and estate planning.

Ball is also a director on the board of Avidia Bank in Hudson.

When not in the office, Ball likes boating at Lake Chauncy and golf, but family “is a big part of my extra time,” he said.

Ball’s son is in college in California, while his daughter is a sophomore in high school. His three sisters and brother live in the area, and their parents just moved into a guest house on Ball’s property.

Travel’s also a big part of Ball’s life; they just spent the summer in Thailand.

On what it means to be a Good Scout Award recipient, Ball said, “It’s giving back and supporting your community. It takes a lot to make a town work.”

The Good Scout Award is bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated integrity and genuine concern for others in both their professional and personal lives.

The recipients need not have been Boy Scouts, but they must carry the spirit of Scouting into their adult lives. They are people who have been unselfish in their service to others on an individual and community basis. They seek no return for their service other than the satisfaction of aiding their fellow citizens, their community and their nation.

For information on the event, visit

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