GRAFTON – Residents attending the annual Fall Town Meeting on Monday, Oct. 21, approved all but one of the 18 warrant articles.
Article 6 would have allowed mixed-use buildings via special permit and site plan approval in the neighborhood business and community business districts.
Despite recommendation from the Finance Committee, several residents questioned whether existing commercial buildings could be torn down in favor of a mixed-use building, and whether such changes could lead to more people moving to town.
“I’d be very cautious about voting for this,” said Select Board member Craig Dauphinais.
“This change is a developer’s dream,” said resident Scott Rossiter.
After more discussion, the article was defeated, 68-94.
Other articles
Town Meeting approved a transfer of $550,000 from free cash to repair the roof at North Street Elementary School, which recently failed. There was water damage inside the building; insurance will pay for interior repairs, while the free cash transfer will pay for the exterior work.
Several articles sponsored by the Community Preservation Committee received approval. These included the acquisition of the lots at 179 and 183 Upton St. to be used for open space; the construction of boardwalk bridges at the Hassanamesit Woods conservation area; the installation of a vertical wheelchair lift at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton and Upton.
Three citizens’ petitions were approved (a fourth was passed over).
Town Meeting approved the acceptance of Millstone Drive as a public way; and to accept the roadways and associated utilities and easements known as Silver Spruce Drive, Manor Hill Drive and the portion of Magill Drive referred to as “Phase 1” in the Highfields Golf Course subdivision; and to install a sidewalk on Old Westboro Road.