Letter: Only you can prevent a fire sale


Letter to the Editor iconDear Editor,

The proposed new fire station construction on next week’s ballot will, if approved, place a 30-year heavy financial burden and risk on town citizens.  The $41 million estimate plus $20 million or more in bond interest may well increase.  With actual fire calls less than 10% and response time comparison between existing and proposed new street locations miniscule how do you justify the cost? A full and honest explanation of financial impacts to a household has escaped discussions. You can replace a building or vehicle but you can’t replace a home and family.  The Finance Committee, as well as Select Board as responsible stewards of public funds should act in the best interests of town residents and ensure that all costs are revealed.  Severe financial stress and anguish are effecting local residents too.  Where is the concern for them? Don’t consider this proposal in isolation.  Cumulative impacts of multiple capital projects combined with yearly home assessed value increases can easily lead to financial hardships and worse. Tax liens are another risk should payments falter.  Further erosion of disposable income reduces consumer spending and local business profits.  Absent is a sincere effort to identify non-tax funding sources and examination of cheaper alternatives such as merging fire departments and consolidating public safety services, both of which would mean less cost to taxpayers.  It is said that fire service consolidation is inevitable.  Other municipalities are already pursuing this option because it reduces costs and improves personnel safety and services.  Private-public contract partnerships also reduce costs and risks.  The Route 20 site location still has conflicting issues concerning possible groundwater and aquifer infusion of oil and contaminants from geothermal borings.  Despite decades of problems, no traffic study was attempted.  An outrageous add on list of high priced furnishings, kitchen appliances and accessories is rubbing dirt in the face of residents.  If you want to lose support for a proposal, this is one way to do it.

The highest priority and most important goal for a family is to maintain their financial security and stability.  No municipal service is more important than that. To remark that concern for residents’ financial protection is a show of non-support for firefighters is an insult.  Vote your own well-being and vote NO on question 6.

Gib Chase


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