Monday, Oct. 21
12:22 a.m. Olde Hickory Path. Extra patrols/house checks.
12:29 a.m. Eli Whitney St. Extra patrols/house checks.
8:33 a.m. Oak St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
10:54 a.m. Homestead Blvd. Well-being check.
11:18 a.m. Oak St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
12:59 p.m. W Main St. Larceny.
1:59 p.m. W Main St. Identity theft.
3:39 p.m. Lyman St. Suspicious Activity.
5:12 p.m. Otis St./Turnpike Rd. Erratic operator.
5:37 p.m. Turnpike Rd. Suspicious auto.
6:17 p.m. Arrested, James R. Bennison, 45, of 46 Robin Rd., Westborough, on warrant.
7:44 p.m. Connector Rd. Suspicious auto.
8:54 p.m. Warren St. Well-being check.
10:03 p.m. Oak St. Accident – hit & run.
10:30 p.m. Milk St. Suspicious auto.
10:50 p.m. Wayside Rd. Suspicious person.
Tuesday, Oct. 22
12:23 a.m. Fisher St. Extra patrols/house checks.
1:15 a.m. Computer Dr./Turnpike Rd. AC, animal assist.
3:09 a.m. Connector Rd. Disturbance (general).
6:34 a.m. W Main St./Kendall Dr. Directed traffic enforcement.
6:37 a.m. Upton Rd./Bowman St. Directed traffic enforcement.
9:07 a.m. E Main St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
9:38 a.m. Robin Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
10:05 a.m. Jacob Amsden Rd. AC, animal complaint.
11:52 a.m. Arrested, Trevor J. Maguire, 34, of 234 Central St., Apt. 11, Newton, for inhale glue/toxic substance.
12:22 p.m. Elm St. AC, animal follow-up.
12:53 p.m. Lyman St. Suspicious activity.
1:16 p.m. Courtland Way. AC, animal follow-up.
2:00 p.m. Ruggles St. AC, animal follow-up.
3:15 p.m. Milk St. Parking violation/complaint.
3:45 p.m. W Main St. Motor vehicle repossession.
4:04 p.m. Lyman St. Disturbance (general).
4:14 p.m. Cedar St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
5:15 p.m. Flanders Rd. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
5:23 p.m. Flanders Rd. Directed traffic enforcement.
5:41 p.m. Flanders/Longmeadow Rds. Traffic/motor vehicle.
6:36 p.m. Ruggles St./Deerslayer Ln. Directed traffic enforcement.
6:50 p.m. Gale Meadow Way. AC, animal removal.
7:11 p.m. Mt Pleasant St. Disturbance (general).
10:04 p.m. Mountain View Dr. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
Wednesday, Oct. 23
1:04 a.m. Arrested, Edgar Montes Cano, 27, of 79 Gates St., Apt. 3, Worcester, on straight warrant, possess Class B drug.
8:26 a.m. South St. Well-being check.
10:31 a.m. Union St. Vandalism.
10:44 a.m. Nauset Dr./Milk St. Traffic/motor vehicle.
11:55 a.m. Arrested, Luis A. Rivera, 48, of 25 Staniford East St., Apt. 4, Boston, on warrant.
1:45 p.m. E Main St. Suspicious person.
2:10 p.m. Hopkinton Rd. Road/tree.
3:54 p.m. E Main St./Flanders Rd. Accident property damage.
4:09 p.m. N Brigham Hill Rd. AC, animal assist.
4:26 p.m. Haskell St. AC, animal unleashed.
6:16 p.m. Milk/Grove Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
6:19 p.m. Flanders Rd. Suspicious auto.
8:36 p.m. Crestwood/Murdock Drs. Assist other police department.
10:00 p.m. Oak St. Well-being check.
Thursday, Oct. 24
12:47 a.m. Eli Whitney St. Extra patrols/house checks.
1:50 a.m. Turnpike Rd./Otis St. Disabled auto.
7:10 a.m. Milk St./Robin Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
8:31 a.m. Franklin Ave. B&E in MV.
9:33 a.m. Otis St./Turnpike Rd. AC, animal assist.
12:39 p.m. W Main St. Fraud.
1:38 p.m. N Brigham. AC, animal assist.
2:51 p.m. E Main/Union Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
2:57 p.m. Turnpike Rd. Larceny.
3:16 p.m. Oak St. Well-being check.
4:24 p.m. South St. Accident (pedestrian).
5:24 p.m. Mohawk Cir. Accident property damage.
8:47 p.m. Turnpike/Bellows Rds. Traffic/motor vehicle.
11:17 p.m. Milk St. Suspicious auto.
11:25 p.m. Wayside Rd. AC, animal assist.
Friday, Oct. 25
6:21 a.m. Flanders Rd./Washington St. Traffic/motor vehicle.
6:53 a.m. Prospect St. Burglary/breaking & entering.
7:10 a.m. School St. Motor vehicle theft.
8:04 a.m. W Main St. B&E in MV.
8:29 a.m. W Main St. Identity theft.
8:55 a.m. South St. B&E in MV.
10:33 a.m. Summer St. B&E in MV.
2:25 p.m. W Main St. Threats made.
2:44 p.m. Summer St. B&E in MV.
3:02 p.m. Friberg Pkwy. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
3:53 p.m. Connector Rd./Research Dr. Road/tree.
4:16 p.m. Indian Pond Rd. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
5:10 p.m. Arrested, Kenneth H. Sutherland Jr., 60, of 25 Connector Rd., Apt. 533, Westborough, on warrant.
5:15 p.m. Sassacus Dr. Accident property damage.
6:17 p.m. Ruggles/Denny Sts. Accident property damage.
7:37 p.m. W Main St. B&E in MV.
7:57 p.m. Cottage St. Fire, smoke.
8:16 p.m. W Main St. Accident property damage.
9:11 p.m. Upton Rd. Erratic operator.
Saturday, Oct. 26
2:09 a.m. Eli Whitney St. Extra patrols/house checks.
3:56 a.m. E Main St. Suspicious auto.
6:32 a.m. South St. B&E in MV.
9:16 a.m. South St. Larceny.
10:24 a.m. Deerfield Way. Fraud.
10:26 a.m. E Main St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
2:39 p.m. Turnpike Rd./Park St. Accident property damage.
7:25 p.m. W Main St. Suspicious activity.
8:07 p.m. Milk St./Kings Grant Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
10:38 p.m. Connector Rd. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
11:30 p.m. E Main St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
11:48 p.m. Computer Dr. Well-being check.
Sunday, Oct. 27
12:19 a.m. Arrested, Gustavo Ernesto Portillo Melgar, 28, of 191 Worcester St., Apt. 2R, Southbridge, for OUI-liquor or .08%.
1:22 a.m. Fisher St. Extra patrols/house checks.
4:26 a.m. Turnpike Rd. Suspicious person.
5:11 a.m. Turnpike Rd. Disturbance (general).
9:10 a.m. Computer Dr. Disturbance (general).
5:29 p.m. Milk St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
9:21 p.m. Flanders Rd. Parking violation/complaint.
The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.