Letter: Cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of many upper middle-class people in metro west


Letter to the Editor iconThe cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of many upper middle-class people in metro west, who are supposedly “educated” and support “sustainability”,  is especially evident in two stories in the recent community advocate.

A company trying to do something useful for the environment and the local economy (Feedback earth) gets harassed by the attorney general because a bunch of entitled snobs can’t stand a minor discomfort of a smell. Yet, a far more environmentally toxic chemical lab (St. Gobain)  gets approved for the tax revenue and jobs it creates, as do many other environmentally damaging operations.

The smell of organic materials decomposing is a new stimulus, not a health hazard, and is something that noses can be adapted to over time.  If we can look beyond myopic selfish worldviews and subjective malleable sense perception, its clear that the long term health and environmental impact of what Feedback earth is trying to do is a net positive.

We must creatively using waste products to build the local economy, as opposed to the throwaway methods prevalent in our current economic paradigm, the consequences of which are self-evident.  Yet a insidious, seemingly ubiquitous belief in money over truth and the concordant worldview that can’t deal with a minor discomfort in the short term in order to prevent grave future consequences, is precisely why the world is in the disastrous predicament it in

People say they want a more sustainable earth, yet when people and organizations try to actually come up with solutions and put them into action,  people complain because of an ignorant entitled NIMBY attitude where image prevails over reality.

Their education and supposed support for sustainable methods, as with all things in the middle-class world view as a whole, is a farce and a veneer. These nominal “virtue signalers” will watch the world burn while pretending to care about the earth.

His Illustrious and Holy Majesty according to the order of Melchizedek, Michael A Leonard and Associates

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