Grafton celebrates the holidays


Grafton celebrates the holidays
Nativity scenes – traditional and nontraditional – graced the interior of the Baptist Church in Grafton on Sunday, Dec. 8. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

GRAFTON – On Sunday, Dec. 8, Grafton took time to Celebrate the Holidays.

Visitors had the opportunity to make “Frosty Stops” at local venues for a bit of holiday shopping and special features.

One of the main attractions (aside from Santa, of course) was the annual Craft and Vendor Fair. After several years in the Community Center gym, the fair moved up the street to the high school gymnasium.

More than 90 vendors packed the place; in the lobby, there were more vendors, as well as the Gingerbread Contest sponsored by the local Girl Scouts.

The Baptist Church hosted its annual Nativity displays, where more than 150 creches were put on display in the sanctuary.

Later in the day, Santa led the tree lighting on the Common.

“Grafton Celebrates the Holidays” was sponsored by the Recreation Department.

Grafton celebrates the holidays
More than 90 vendors took part in the Craft & Vendor Fair at Grafton High School auditorium on Sunday, Dec. 8. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

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