WESTBOROUGH – The project to renovate the pool at the community center on Union Street is making its way through the capital budget process.
During its meeting on Monday, Dec. 2, the Capital Expenditures Committee approved the request for the pool, which has been closed since the town purchased the former Boston Sports Clubs site a year ago.
It was among $1.41 million in requests approved by the committee, out of the $2.2 million in requests made by town departments.
The pool project will take $406,521 to bring it up to operational standards, according to Recreation Department Director Jennifer Kirkland.
“We are aware that the residents want it and it can be a revenue source, which is exactly why it was pulled out,” said Kirkland. “If we didn’t pull it out and put it on the Capital Plan, this would likely be in phase two of the project. Putting it in the capital plan to be voted on in March allows us to start the work much sooner.”
RELATED CONTENT: Town Meeting approves Community Center design funds by five votes
According to Assistant Town Manager Kim Foster, the pool could generate revenue from rentals, once it’s opened.
Other projects approved by the committee included a request from the School Department in the amount of $220,000 to replace the gym floor at Gibbons Middle School. It has been there since the school opened in 1956. The department also requested $60,000 toward design costs for the chiller at Mill Pond Elementary School.
Requests to replace furniture and flooring districtwide, totaling $150,000, were turned down. Also declined was a $600,000 request for new playground equipment at Hastings Elementary School. Committee members asked whether funding for the equipment could come from other sources, such as parent groups.
The Westborough Police Department requested $225,000 to replace three vehicles. Chief Todd Minardi said one of the old vehicles could be repurposed as a crime scene vehicle.
A request of $85,000 for a 3D crime scene scanner was rejected.
The Westborough Fire Department filed requests to replace a water rescue vehicle that stores equipment for the regional dive team ($75,000), and for communications equipment ($114,000).
The Department of Public Works wants to replace three vehicles — two one-ton trucks and a utility truck. The funding would come from a combination of free cash ($155,000), the Water Enterprise Fund ($35,000), the Sewer Enterprise Fund ($108,000) and the Stormwater Enterprise Fund ($96,000). A DPW request for $85,000 toward improvements for the garage was also approved.
Enterprise fund requests
Other requests were approved by the committee include:
- Recreation Department/ Golf Club – fairway mower replacement ($75,000) and trap rake replacement ($40,000). Both requests will be funded through Golf Retained Earnings.
- DPW-Water – water system study updates ($100,000) and water meter system replacement ($200,000). Both requests will be funded through the Water Enterprise Fund.
- DPW-Stormwater – culvert replacement ($100,000). Request will be funded through the Stormwater Enterprise Fund.
- DPW-Sewer – sewer capital improvements ($150,000), sewer line analysis ($2 million), sewer pump station improvements ($3.7 million). Requests will be funded through the Sewer Enterprise Fund.
- DPW-Water – well and booster station improvements ($150,000), water capital improvements ($75,000) and lead service line mitigation ($400,000). Requests will be funded through the Water Enterprise Fund.
Next steps
According to Foster, the approved requests will appear in the town manager’s recommended budget, which could be released in late December.
Following budget discussions in January and February, the budget-related warrant articles, including capital requests, would be placed on the warrant, she said.
For more information on the project, visit https://ma-westborough.civicplus.com/917/Westborough-Community-Center.