HUDSON – Hudson native Mallory Masciarelli and her fiancé, Stewart King, both of Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, chose Hawaii for the site of their Dec. 23, 2024 wedding.
Many relatives and friends traveled to Wailea, Maui, Hawaii for the ceremony, including the bride’s parents, Hudson residents Paul and Barbara Masciarelli, and the groom’s parents, Walter and Daun King of Huntsville, Al.
Stewart and Mallory honeymooned in Maui and then returned to Kwajalein, where the groom is a systems engineer with Raytheon and the bride is mathematics teacher at Kwajalein Jr. High School. A graduate of Hudson High School and University of Mass. Amherst, Mallory was formerly on the Hudson High School faculty.
Friends and family attended from Massachusetts, Alabama, Colorado, Nebraska and Kwajalein, enjoying a week-long wedding holiday. Pre-wedding activities included sunrise at Haliakala Summit, golfing, snorkeling and whale-watching.

Keith MacPherson, Jr., 22-months old, the fourth generation in his paternal family, was among those attending the Boxing Day Family Party Dec. 28 at the Hudson home of his great-uncle, British-born Anthony Rock and daughter, Melissa. Seated from left are: Keith MacPherson, Sr., Stuart MacPherson, all of Sterling, and Keith Jr’s great-uncle, Joseph MacPherson of Hudson.
Four generations party
Four generations of the MacPherson family gathered for a Boxing Day party Dec. 28 at the Hudson home of British-born Anthony Rock (widower of Joan (MacPherson) Rock) and daughter, Melissa Rock.
Although Boxing Day in Britain is traditionally the day after Christmas, the MacPherson family fits it to its holiday schedule. Keith MacPherson, Jr., 22-months old, was the youngest on the guest list, which included children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the late Charles and Alice MacPherson of Hudson. Their surviving children present were Joseph D. MacPherson and myself, Rosemary (MacPherson) Rimkus, both of Hudson. Guests came from Coventry Ct., Marlborough, Hudson, Sterling, Maynard, Methuen and Bolton.

Hudson resident Gary Sohmers, appraiser, collector, musician, author and producer, has returned his “Rex Wex” shop to Main St., 312 Main St., corner Main and Tower St. Famed for his stint as an appraiser on PBS “Antique Roadshow, Sohmers had a “Rex Wex” collectibles shop on downtown Main Street for several years.
Wex Rex returns
“Wex Rex,” owned by noted collectibles dealer and appraiser Gary Sohmers, has returned to Main St., exactly at 312 Main St., corner Main and Tower streets. Hudson resident Sohmers originally opened his shop on downtown Main Street in 1984, and gained wider fame appearing on the “Antiques Roadshow” PBS broadcast as an appraiser from 1996-2010.
Sohmers is an experienced appraiser, musician, producer, author, collector and mentor. He continues to offer “Comicons” at the Regency Theater in Boston. “Wex Rex” offers records, toys, comics, posters, model kits etc., and is open “by appointment or by chance” at 978-568-3433.
He has appraised collectibles, comic books, vintage items and other valuables for over 50 years.
SPM concerts
Symphony Pro Musica orchestra opens its second concert season the weekend of Jan. 25-26. Founder and director Mark Churchill will direct the program of composers Musgrave, Walton and Elgar Saturday, Jan. 25 at 7:30 p.m. at Hudson High School Paul “Skip” Johnson auditorium, Brigham St., Hudson and Sunday, Jan. 26 at 3 p.m. at St. John’s School Founders’ Hall, Shrewsbury. (Note change of Sunday performance site.) A pre-concert talk is given at each site by an orchestra member, 45 minutes before the performance.
Students are free; adult tickets $25, senior tickets $20, and group rates available. For more information go to, call 978-562-0939 or email [email protected].
Class of ‘75 reunion
Class of 1975 of Hudson High School will hold its 50-year reunion Saturday, May 31 at Embassy Suites, Marlborough. For further information email Claudia (Collins) Ramelli at [email protected]
Lantern workshop
Hudson Public Library will offer a live-streamed “Korean Lotus Flower Lantern Workshop” for adults Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 6 p.m. at the library. The workshop will also include a documentary on the rich history of Korea, while instructing you on making your lantern. The program is presented by Younshee Shin of the Korean Spirit and Culture promotional project. Register in person or call the library 978-568-9644 to sign up.
Jan. 11 – Diane Smith, Kristen Downing, Caitlan McGowan and Aidan Micciche
Jan. 12 – Alexis deCunha, Caitlan Budrewicz, Dianne Moore, Justin Bush, Debbie Lowe, Angela Crossman, Amy Morse and Tyler Martin
Jan. 13 – Liz Sheldon, Lynne Micciche, Michelle Lapointe, Jen Wallingford, Diane White, Matt Jacobs, Connor Lambert and Tom Barry
Jan. 14 – Sheldon Rockwell, Michael Janusis, Paul Figueiredo and Donna Shepard
Jan. 15 – Cassia Monteiro and Ernest Sahlin
Jan. 16 – David Gigliotti, Brittany Scerra and Sophia DiFonzo
Jan. 17 – Gary Collins, Sue Underwood, Mark Lawton, Mike Moran and Karen Mayo
Jan. 18 – JoAnn Sedam, Michael Paquette and Elvis Cabral
Jan. 19 – Holly McAuliffe, Matthew Suprenant, Jessica Paige deBraga, Liz Patterson, MaryLou Kent and Lyle Aladden
Jan. 20 – Tom Bowen, Bob Anders, Peter VanBuskirk and Dennis Sherman
Jan. 21 – Marissa Miele, Brian Smith, Sue Mungeam, Connie Palatino, Susan Donovan, Jared Jacobs, Gavin Stead and Paul Provencher
Jan. 22 – Diane Dexter, Erin Jameson, Bill Larkin, Steve Geldart, Jimmy Hickey and Amy Coletti
Jan. 23 – Kerri Snow, Elizabeth Sousa, Jordyn Yates and Adelaide Wintringham
Jan. 24 – Kathleen LaPlante, Mark Greeno and Chris Sabourin
Jan. 11 – Rick and Diana Andrews
Jan. 12 – Brian and Karen Longtine
Jan. 17 – Jim and Kathy Klotz
Hudson Cooperative Bank reached a new high of $135,550 in Christmas Club payments to savers, including $2,400 in interest. The committee for the Hudson Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast included Richard Colena and Robert Gill. Linda Temple, trumpeter with CYO Royal Jades, was presented with “distinguished service” award by Evangeline Garcia, general manager. Edwina Eastman was director of Methodist Church Cherub Choir and Alene Cole was piano accompanist. Michael J. Berry was elected president of the freshman class at Lowell Polytechnological Institute. Stephen Smith was elected to represent Hudson High School at Student Government Day. Sharon Warbin was activities director at St. Jude Convalescent Home, Church St.
Entries for Hudson Happ’nings may be sent to 18 Cottage St., Hudson MA 01749 or email [email protected].