Northborough voters headed to Melican Middle School to cast their ballots on Tuesday. (Photo/Laura Hayes)
NORTHBOROUGH – Nomination papers are now available for the Annual Town Election on Tuesday, May 13.
If you are interested in obtaining nomination papers, stop by the Town Clerk’s office, or go to https://www.town.northborough.ma.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif12221/f/uploads/2025_ate_nomination_paper_request_form.pdf and fill it out online.
Once the office receives your request, we will provide a confirmation e-mail along with additional instructions regarding the process.
Candidates are required to obtain 50 signatures of registered voters.
The following seats are available:
Moderator (one year)
Select Board (three years)
Planning Board (three years)
School Committee (three years)
Northborough/Southborough Regional School Committee (three years)
The deadline to obtain nomination papers is 5 p.m. on Friday, March 21. The deadline to return nomination papers is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25.
On Election Day, voting will take place at Melican Middle School, 145 Lincoln St.