Westborough Town Hall (Photo/Laura Hayes)
WESTBOROUGH — Here is the list of candidates for the Annual Town Election, as of Tuesday, Jan. 21 (the last day to submit signed nomination papers). Their nomination papers have been certified.
Select Board (3-year term) – 2 seats available
Kelly Patrick Collins – candidate for election
Boyd Stewart Conklin – candidate for election
Mark Silverberg – candidate for election
Patrick J. Welch – candidate for re-election
Note: Allan Edinberg chose not to run for re-election.
School Committee (3-year term) – 2 seats available
Anjana M. Chennagiri – candidate for election
E. Jane Clapp – candidate for election
Boyd Stewart Conklin – candidate for election
Stephen C. Doret – candidate for re-election
Kris Prabhakar Kumsi, candidate for election
Jane S. Owens – candidate for election
Note: Steven Bachelor chose not to run for re-election.
Planning Board (5-year term) – 1 seat available
John P. Gelcich – candidate for re-election
Planning Board (1-year term) – 1 seat available
Christina Kelleher – candidate for election
Trustees of the Public Library (3-year term) – 3 seats available
Edward Knight Baldwin – candidate for re-election
Kathleen A. Daly – candidate for re-election
Mary Johnston – candidate for re-election
Trustees of Soldier’s Memorials (3-year term-veteran seat) – 1 seat available
John Gallinagh – candidate for re-election
Westborough Housing Authority (5-year term) – 1 seat available
Joan B. Pavolis – candidate for re-election
A Candidates Forum is scheduled for Sunday, March 2, at 6 p.m. at the Willows, sponsored by the Westborough Democratic Town Committee.
Election schedule
Thursday, Feb. 6 – last day, until 5 p.m., to object or withdraw papers.
Friday, Feb. 28 – last day, until 5 p.m., to register to Vote for Annual Town Election & Annual Town Meeting.
Tuesday, March 4 – last day to Post Town Election/Town Meeting Warrant.
Wednesday, March 5 – last day, at 5 p.m., to request a vote by mail ballot.
Tuesday, March 11, Annual Town Election – all precincts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) at Westborough High School in the gym, 90 West Main St.