HUDSON – Nomination papers are now available for the following seats at the Annual Town Election on Monday, May 12:
Select Board (two seats, three years)
Moderator (one seat, one year)
School Committee (two seats, three years)
School Committee (one seat, one year, to fill a vacancy)
Trustees of Benevolent Funds (one seat, three years)
Trustees of Benevolent Funds (one seat, one year, to fill a vacancy)
Housing Authority (one seat, four years)
Municipal Light Board (one seat, three years)
Park Commission (one seat, three years)
Board of Health (one seat, three years)
Library Trustee (one seat, three years)
Planning Board (two seats, three years)
Cemetery Commission (one seat, three years)
Constable (one seat, three years)
Board of Assessors (one seat, three years)
Vocational Regional School Committee (one seat, two years, to fill a vacancy)
A minimum of 50 certified signatures is required for nomination papers.
Election Schedule
March 10 – last day to receive notice from the Select Board of a resignation/vacancy for an office to be placed on the ballot
March 24, 5 p.m. – last day to obtain nomination papers; last day for filing nomination papers with Board of Registrars and town clerk
April 9 – last day for filing objections/withdraws
April 25 – last day to register voters
May 5 – campaign finance report for Annual Town Election due
May 12 – Annual Town Election
June 11 – campaign finance reports due
Jan. 19, 2026 – campaign finance reports due
For information, contact the town clerk’s office at 978-568-9615, or go to