Northboro Juniors seek nomination of incredible women in town


Northboro Juniors seek nomination of incredible women in town

NORTHBOROUGH – “Fire and Ice” is the theme of the Northboro Junior Woman’s Club (NJWC) meeting on Jan. 28.

The “ice” relates to delicious ice cream sundaes. The meeting will take place at Trinity Church. Social time is at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting begins at 7 p.m.

The Northboro Junior Woman’s Club is a group of dynamic and diverse women, and the group is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The members work to enhance the quality of life in their community and, by doing so, their own lives.

The club has recently been involved in several events, including the Harvest Craft Fair, Mother’s Day corsages for nursing home residents, Styrofoam recycling and a STEM conference for middle school girls. The juniors also brought Wreaths Across America to Northborough for the first time.

To help celebrate five decades of service, the NJWC will be honoring five Northborough women who have dedicated their time, energy and resources to make the town a better place. The club is seeking nominations, which are due Feb. 17. The women will be honored at a reception on March 16.

To nominate, visit https:// or scan the QR code. Anyone with questions should contact Martha Michalewich at [email protected] or 774-258-0867.

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