Maple Street residence closer to becoming three-family dwelling


This property at 30 Maple St. is closer to being converted from a two-family to a three-family residence. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

This property at 30 Maple St. is closer to being converted from a two-family to a three-family residence. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

MARLBOROUGH – A resident wishing to convert his property at 30 Maple St. from a two-family into a three-family residence is closer to final approval.

After some discussion, the City Council’s Urban Affairs Committee approved a special permit for Anibal E. Guillermo Sacor, who lives on West Main Street.

The main topic of discussion involved Unit D, a second-floor apartment created by the previous property owner without permission from the city. Sacor plans to turn the unit into storage.

Committee members want to make sure that the unit does not turn back into an illegal apartment.

“We don’t want an illegal four-family,” said committee Chair Kate Robey.

As part of the conditions for the special permit, the fixtures will be removed from the unit’s bathroom.

Also, a building listed as “the old garage” will be demolished; the space will be used for parking, green space and setback requirements.

The application will be subject to a site plan review.

The special permit has been sent to the city solicitor; it may come before the full City Council on Feb. 10.

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