MassDOT approves truck exclusion for Summer Street


MassDOT approved a heavy vehicle exclusion for Summer Street. (photo/Laura Hayes)

MassDOT approved a heavy vehicle exclusion for Summer Street. (photo/Laura Hayes)

NORTHBOROUGH – A heavy commercial vehicle exclusion on Summer Street has been approved by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). 

The Select Board adopted the exclusion during its meeting on Jan. 27. 

The board previously approved the exclusion, which will run on Summer Street from South Street to Route 20, on Dec. 2. 

The Traffic Safety Committee previously decided not to recommend the exclusion, voicing concerns that vehicles would then have to turn onto Route 20 from South Street. That movement may require the trucks to impede traffic. 

As part of an engineering study for the proposed exclusion, traffic counts were conducted on Summer Street, south of School Street, over three weekdays in September 2022. The study indicated there was an average of 161 heavy commercial vehicles a day, or 6.9% of traffic. 

Counts were also conducted north of School Street over three weeks in spring 2023. The data indicated that there was an average of 94 heavy commercial vehicles a day, or 4.6% of all traffic. 

“Both our District 3 Traffic Engineering Section and our Boston Office Regulations Section are in agreement with the town that a [heavy commercial vehicle exclusion] is warranted on Summer Street,” said MassDOT State Traffic Engineer Jim Danila in a letter to Department of Public Works Director Scott Charpentier. 

According to the letter, the town will forward the adoption of the exclusion to MassDOT; after, the department will issue a permit.

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