Visiting Angels provides help to those with Parkinson’s


Visiting Angels provides help to those with Parkinson’sSUDBURY– Parkinson’s Disease is a life changing disease not only for the patient but for their caregiver. 

Visiting Angels of Sudbury encourages people to first educate themselves on the disease, its progression and what activities help slow the progression down. They encourage the person to stay active, try music therapy, attend a support group with them so you both can learn about treatment options and resources that have helped others. 

Visiting Angels notes that caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease can be overwhelming and stressful and asking for help is O.K. 

Visiting Angels Homecare in Sudbury can help relieve that stress. Whether it is once or twice a week, Visiting Angels can step in and assist with all daily living activities. Please call 978-287-2002 or visit

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