Marlborough City Council approves license


By Art Simas, Community Reporter
Marlborough – The City Council approved a petition March 28 that would allow Richard Lombardi, owner of the Vin Bin, to have a full liquor license established at a new location, 91 Main St. (the site of the city's former fire/police station).
Lombardi currently operates his business at 27 South Bolton St. where he has a beer and wine license. In order to get a full alcoholic license at his new location as he requested, the council first needed to approve the measure via the so-called home-rule petition. As such, that license will only be for his use at the new business site and may not be transferred to any other site, including the 27 South Bolton St. location.
The vote was 9-2 in favor of the request. Ward 2 Councilor Paul Ferro and At-Large Councilor Steven Levy voted against the petition.
Ferro said he failed to see the added value of moving from one location to another that is less than 200 yards away.
Levy said he was opposed to the license being tied to one particular site, as required by state legislative attorneys who insisted that the petition be worded in that manner.
“What economic value does this create for Marlborough?” Levy asked. “It only gives the property owner of that building an economic advantage.”
Despite the license restriction, Lombardi said he was willing to go ahead and renovate the site as the new home of the Vin Bin.
“It will increase our square footage from 1,800 to 4,000 square feet,” he said.
He also acknowledged that he and the owner of the property, WRT Management of Whitinsville, are in negotiations to determine the rental cost.
Ward 1 Councilor Joseph F. Delano Jr. said, “We all want to see this business succeed, and to see them expand is a good thing.”

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