Square dance fund-raiser Oct. 29 at First Church in Marlborough


Square dance fund-raiser Oct. 29 at First Church in MarlboroughMarlborough – Saturday, Oct. 29, from 7 to 10 p.m., First Church in Marlborough will be holding a square dance fund-raiser. Come and dance with Dan Sorano, Western Square Dance Caller, for more than 25 years. Friends, families and neighbors are all welcome to attend.

Price for admission is $8 per person and $15 per couple. Refreshments are available for purchase. Please bring a canned food item for donation to the Marlborough Food Pantry.

First Church is located at 37 High St., Marlborough. For more information, call 1-508-485-6297 or visit www.firstchurchnet.com.



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