Shrewsbury's Oak Middle School hosts Career Day


Alana Gansler, Sophie Bronstein and Leah Eagle show off their Cupcake Wars product in Mrs. D'Arcy McCarthy and Mrs. Anne Wentzell's Cupcake Wars workshop. Photo/Submitted

Alana Gansler, Sophie Bronstein and Leah Eagle show off their Cupcake Wars product in Mrs. D'Arcy McCarthy and Mrs. Anne Wentzell's Cupcake Wars workshop. Photo/Submitted

Shrewsbury – The guidance staff under the direction of counselors Kristen Minio, Sue DiLeo and Assistant Principal Anne Wentzell, of Oak Middle School (OMS), sponsored a Career Day for seventh- and eighth-grade students. Many of the staff at OMS hosted their friends and family members who presented information about their careers. Other staff members chose topics that interested them and presented a workshop themselves.

Over 40 professionals from the community came and talked about a variety of careers, including architecture, vet tech, engineering, nursing, golf and tennis, orthodontics, surgery, physical fitness and physical therapy, computer programming and video game designing.

The staff at OMS presented workshops on “Say Yes to the Dress,” “Cupcake Wars,” CSI, coaching and refereeing, and cake decorating. They also had a few off-site workshops the Senior Center, the Fire Station and Britton's Funeral Home.

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