Southborough Library hosts author Maryanne O”Hara Feb. 13


Southborough Library hosts author Maryanne O”Hara Feb. 13

Southborough – Massachusetts author Maryanne O”Hara has published a novel, “Cascade,” and will come to the Southborough Library Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 11 a.m., to read and discuss her writing. All are welcome to attend this special event.

In the late 1990s, O”Hara began publishing short stories. She has been the Associate Fiction Editor for Ploughshares, the award-winning Boston literary journal. Her story collection has been considered for the Iowa Short Fiction Awards and the Flannery O”Connor Award for Short Fiction.

The book discussion at the Southborough Library, 25 Main St., is free and open to the public and no registration is required. The snow date is Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 11 a.m. Call the Library at 508-485-5031 for more information about this or any program at the Library.

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