Herbicide treatment for Fort Meadow Reservoir


Marlborough/Hudson – On Wednesday, July 17, Fort Meadow Reservoir will be treated with herbicide to control invasive weeds. This will require restrictions on swimming, drinking and irrigation usage of the reservoir.

The Fort Meadow Commission (FMC) requests that no swimming or boating take place Wednesday, July 17, with the exception of the two public beach areas – Memorial Beach in Marlborough and Centennial Beach in Hudson. In addition, there is a 72-hour ban on drinking lake water until Sunday, July 21, and on using lake water for irrigation until Tuesday, July 23.

The herbicide treatment, conducted by Aquatic Control Technology, will target Eurasian watermilfoil and variable milfoil, which, if not controlled, spread rapidly and make lake activities difficult. The treatment, called Reward (active ingredient Diquat) will not adversely affect the native plants or aquatic life.

For more information, contact the FMC at 508-481-0590 or Aquatic Control Technology at 508-865-1000.

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