Plant sale at Shrewsbury Senior Center


Shrewsbury Garden Club members ( MaryLou McMahon, Marcia Arnold, Valerie Gannon, Barbara Droege, Helen Porter and Jane Humphrey ) are busy potting perennial plants in preparation for their Annual Plant Sale to be held Saturday May 16<br />Photo/submitted

Shrewsbury Garden Club members ( MaryLou McMahon, Marcia Arnold, Valerie Gannon, Barbara Droege, Helen Porter and Jane Humphrey ) are busy potting perennial plants in preparation for their Annual Plant Sale to be held Saturday May 16

Shrewsbury – The Shrewsbury Garden Club will be holding its annual Plant Sale Saturday, May 16, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Senior Center parking lot, 98 Maple Ave., rain or shine. All proceeds go to town beautification and junior membership activities. Those who bring a donation to the St. Anne’s Human Services Food Pantry will receive a free plant.

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