Saugatuck, Mich. – Thelma (Seager) Coghlin passed Monday, Feb. 8, 2016 in the comfort of her home in Saugatuck, Mich., surrounded by love, tenderness, music, laughter and light.
Thelma grew up in Shrewsbury, where she was an honors student and member of the Dramatics Club, Debate Team, Forensic League, Yearbook Staff, and the undefeated Field Hockey Team. She and her husband, Fitzmaurice Coghlin Jr., moved to Three Rivers, Mich., where they raised four children, John F Coghlin, Jacalyn Coghlin-Strom, Elizabeth Fincham and Douglas E. Coghlin.
Thelma was President of the Women’s Society of Christian Service, Vice President of the Church Women United and volunteered for the American Cancer Society, Hospital Auxiliary, March of Dimes, the Cystic Fibrosis Drive, and the Department of Human Services. Her many interests and talents included gardening, sewing, baking, sailing, skiing, indoor and outdoor pets, interior decorating, and being an “awesome and amazing” grandmother and great-grandmother to her beloved grandchildren, Jeff, Steph, and Ian, and great-granddaughter, Eliot.
Thelma and Fitz retired to Saugatuck, Mich., where Thelma supported many local organizations, including the Christian Neighbors, Saugatuck Douglas Historical Society, Douglas Dutchers Vintage Baseball Team, Saugatuck Center for the Arts, and the Saugatuck Yacht Club and Sailing School. She was very proud to be a member of the Rotary Club of Saugatuck.
Thelma was an incredibly generous and caring woman who would love nothing more than to know that her generosity is being passed along through donations in her memory to the Christian Neighbors of Saugatuck or Rotary Scholarship Funds for Saugatuck, Mich. and Shrewsbury Rotary Clubs.
Thelma faced the nine months of her illness with remarkable courage, strength, graciousness, humor, and gratitude. Kelly, Celeste, and Claudina joined Thelma’s family in treasuring her, and being inspired by her, every day. Thelma had deep abiding appreciation for her health care team led by Dr. John Scott.
Thelma and Fitz will return together to their hometown of Shrewsbury, where a service will be held at Mountain View Cemetery when the flowers she loved so much are blooming in the spring.
An online register book is available at