Let the games begin!


Sch SH Floral St Olympics 1 rsShrewsbury – Floral Street School students and faculty participate in the “Parade of Athletes” as part of the opening ceremony of the Floral Street School Olympic Games 2016. During years in which Olympic Summer Games are held, physical education teacher Amy Smith, along with teachers Ken Avery and Tracy DeBlois with the help of many other Floral Street School faculty and staff members, transform the annual field day activities into Olympic Games.

In physical education classes students learned and practiced Olympic events.

Each of the school’s 32 classes were assigned a country. Classroom teachers and students prepared things like flags, signs and t-shirts to represent their country. The schoolwide event was kicked off with the Parade of Athletes, Opening Ceremony including the lighting of the Olympic “torch,” reciting of the Olympic Oath, music and a student tumbling performance June 3. The following week, all students participated in Olympic themed field day games and activities, complete with medals and closing ceremonies.

Photo/Mary Pritchard

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