By Joan F. Simoneau, Community Reporter

Larry Bastien, retiring from his position as the city’s dispatcher, prepares to cut the cake at a farewell gathering in his honor.
Marlborough – Marlborough Police and Fire Dispatcher Larry Bastien, a familiar voice in times of emergency, has retired after serving the city since 1979. He interacted with police, fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel, handling all 911 calls as well as routine calls for the Police and Fire departments.
Looking back on the past 37 years, he said: “The job was always challenging. It was a matter of life and death every day. You basically lead, guide, and direct the calls that are coming in. We fight for the lives and property of the people of the city. I have been on duty for thousands of incidents. The mission has been always to get the job done. I am proud of that legacy and proud to have been part of the history of the city of Marlborough.”
Police Chief Mark F. Leonard praised Bastien.
“For the past 37 years Larry has been the constant, recognizable ‘voice’ for the public safety departments of the city,” he said. “His calm demeanor always came across in his radio transmissions, and that has helped officers, firefighters and EMS personnel in the field as they dealt with crisis situations on a regular basis. His dedication and commitment to those he worked with and the citizens of Marlborough will be greatly missed.”
Bastien plans on a brief period of relaxation and is considering engaging in the public safety sector as a consultant. Before joining the Police Department he created and ran a nationally recognized beer company and won medals at the Great American Beer Fest. He is also considering “getting back into the beer business.”
“We are all going to miss Larry,” said Carrie Lizotte, administrative assistant to Chief Leonard, who helped organize a retirement party in his honor. “He is great and helped so many people. He’s the best.”