Marlborough candidate profiles: Teona Brown – City Council


Marlborough candidate profiles: Teona Brown – City Council
Teona Brown is running against incumbent Robert Tunnera for the Ward 4 City Council seat.

MARLBOROUGH – It’s election season in Marlborough. 

As such, city voters will soon head to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 2 to decide a handful of contested races.

Incumbent Mayor Arthur Vigeant is seeking another term. He’s running against David Garceau in a rematch of the 2019 election. 

Incumbent School Committee members Michelle Bodin-Hettinger, Denise Ryan and Earl Geary are running alongside Maureen Brennan in a four-way race for three seats on the committee. 

Ward 4 City Councilor Robert Tunnera is also running for re-election. He is being challenged by Teona Brown.

There are no other contested City Council races as each of Marlborough’s other councilors are running for re-election unopposed.

The Community Advocate reached out to all candidates in contested races, inviting them to make a candidate statement and answer a handful of questions. 

Brown’s statement and answers can be viewed below…

See responses from other candidates…

Please provide a statement introducing yourself to voters.

I am excited to find myself here, running for Ward Councilor, in my hometown! As a lifelong resident of Marlborough, I have been fascinated by local government and local history since I was a child.  I attended Marlborough Public Schools and attended Framingham State University, where I earned a BA in Sociology.  I live on Millham Street, along with my husband, Chris, and our son, Tanner, who attends Richer School.  My parents also live in Marlborough, in my childhood home, and it’s great to have them so close.

I am a licensed Early Educator, and worked in the field as a teacher and an administrator for 15 years.  This past July, I made a very hard decision and changed careers, which I knew I needed to do in order to have more time to spend with my family and be more active in our community.  Early Education is an important industry, but it is in crisis.  Teachers and administrators are working very long days, due to staffing shortages, just like many other industries. I am now a licensed insurance adjuster, and while I really miss working in a school setting, I have found the work/life balance I need.

Q1: In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges/issues/concerns currently facing the City of Marlborough and Ward 4 in particular?

As I have gotten to know so many fellow residents and business owners, I have been taking note of things they have asked about or concerns they have raised.  One of the biggest concerns I have heard voiced has been about the proposed location of the fire station, in the Elm Street/Locke Drive area.  The area, around  Elm Street and Bigelow Street, has a quiet residential feel, and a station of the proposed size, in that location, would impact the quality of life for the residents of those neighborhoods. At a public meeting, it did sound like this is the only current option, although I believe there were other proposed sites in the past, which may no longer be available.

Another issue that comes up often are road conditions and traffic concerns.  I live on Millham Street, so I hear you! I have been using the site to report hazards, such as potholes, and I think it’s a great tool to get the information to the correct people.  In addition to the roads, several residents have brought up concerns with water main breaks and water pressure issues.

Q2: What are your goals for your term if elected/re-elected? 

I want people to feel more connected to local government and local community.  There are so many ways to be involved, and I would like to find ways to build partnerships with other residents to network and talk about different opportunities, such as applying to join a board or committee, volunteer opportunities or organizations within our city.

If elected, this will be my first time serving as an elected official.  While I am familiar with city government, it has been from a spectator’s view.  My ultimate goal is to do my best to represent the residents and be the ear they need to listen and the voice they need to speak.

Q3: Is there anything else you would like to share with community members?

Our city has seen a lot of growth and development during my life, and I want to be a councilor who residents will reach out to, without hesitation, to discuss their thoughts on any issue, large or seemingly small.  We are a city of many, and I would love the honor to represent my Ward 4 neighbors.

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