Friday, June 30
12:11 a.m. Mayberry Dr. Disturbance (general).
12:07 p.m. Wessonville Village Way. Well-being check.
1:24 p.m. Mayberry Dr. Parking violation/complaint.
2:27 p.m. W Main St. Threats made.
5:28 p.m. Turnpike Rd./Lyman St. Road/tree.
7:18 p.m. Baldwin Ct. Well-being check.
10:55 p.m. Haskell St. Well-being check.
11:52 p.m. W Main St. Disturbance (general).
Saturday, July 1
12:54 a.m. Windsor Ridge Dr. Disturbance (general).
12:59 p.m. Union St. Extra patrols/house checks.
6:39 p.m. W Main/Charles Sts. Well-being check.
7:46 p.m. Lyman St. Disturbance (general).
8:00 p.m. Friberg Pkwy. Larceny.
10:15 p.m. Computer/Technology Drs. Traffic/motor vehicle.
11:10 p.m. Connector Rd. Disturbance (general).
Sunday, July 2
12:28 a.m. Arrested, Erick Armando Ordonez, 41, of 31 Endicott Dr., Westborough, on probation violation warrant Uxbridge District.
3:32 a.m. Ruggles/Eli Whitney Sts. Well-being check.
10:07 a.m. Willow St. Suspicious activity.
11:01 a.m. Glen St. Extra patrols/house checks.
4:55 p.m. Chestnut St. Well-being check.
6:05 p.m. Lee Ann Cir. Suspicious auto.
6:29 p.m. Windsor Ridge Dr. Burglary/breaking & entering.
8:52 p.m. Lincoln St. Well-being check.
9:50 p.m. South St. Erratic operator.
Monday, July 3
9:26 a.m. Mayberry Dr. Parking violation/complaint.
12:39 p.m. Flanders/Longmeadow Rds. Traffic/motor vehicle.
2:53 p.m. Oak St. Suspicious activity.
5:31 p.m. Flanders Rd./Samson Dr. Traffic/motor vehicle.
5:49 p.m. Connector Rd. Well-being check.
8:10 p.m. E Main St. Traffic/motor vehicle.
9:14 p.m. Valente Dr. Larceny.
10:24 p.m. Milk St. Trespassing.
Tuesday, July 4
2:01 a.m. Fisher St. Extra patrols/house checks.
9:09 a.m. Cook St. Annoying/harassing phone calls.
10:05 a.m. E Main/Lyman Sts. Well-being check.
12:23 p.m. E Main St. Traffic/motor vehicle.
6:01 p.m. Upton Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
6:48 p.m. Milk St. Erratic operator.
9:38 p.m. Fisher/Gleason Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
10:04 p.m. Arrested, Joao Gabriel Cota-Garcia, 21, of 381 Worcester Rd., Framingham, for op MV with license suspended, no inspection sticker.
11:38 p.m. Meadow Rd. Suspicious activity.
The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.