Local students make college, university dean’s lists


Local students make college, university dean’s lists


REGION – Several colleges have recently released their dean’s lists, featuring local students from the region.

Quinnipiac University Dean’s List

Hudson – Brandon Garneau

Marlborough – Bridget Beishline, Abigail Federico

Northborough – Lucy Gauvin, Louis Stamoulis

Shrewsbury – Annabelle DeFeudis, Alyssa Luke, Caitlyn Roque, Emily Spurr

Southborough – John Jordan

Westborough – Anne Beckman, Daniel Hogan, Max Kaplan, Mary Pelkey, Elizabeth Velez

Saint Anselm College Dean’s List

Shrewsbury – Gabrielle Constantine, T.J. Morgera, Andrew Pitney

Northborough – Rio Ferguson

Tufts University Dean’s List

Westborough – Elsiana Aires

Do you have a dean’s list for your child’s college or university? Email it to [email protected]

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