American Heritage Museum to host Centuries of the Soldier


The American Heritage Museum stands at 568 Main St. (Photo/Courtesy)

The American Heritage Museum stands at 568 Main St. (Photo/Courtesy)

HUDSON – The American Heritage Museum is presenting the living history weekend event Centuries of the Soldier on Aug. 12-13.

This program features multiple living history encampments laid out chronologically over the museum grounds. Starting as early as the Romans, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War will be represented. 

There will be demonstrations and battle re-enactments featuring soldiers over the last 1,000-plus years. All three museums will be open: the American Heritage Museum, the Historic Aviation Hangar and Classic Automobile Barn. 

Admission for the Saturday and Sunday events is $25 for adults; $20 for seniors/veterans; $15 for children under 12

Members, WWII/Korean War veterans and children under 3 are free – no ticket required.

Purchase tickets online or at the entrance. Tickets may also be purchased the day of the event by credit card or cash at the entry gate on the access road.

There will also be tank driving experiences and rides available during the weekend. Registration for the experiences can occur online at, by calling 978-562-9182 or on-site. Space is limited.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

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