Site of vacant lakeside building in Shrewsbury saw a variety of uses over time


During the 19th century, the site of the former Bucca di Beppo restaurant in Shrewsbury was a thriving boathouse.

During the 19th century, the site of the former Bucca di Beppo restaurant in Shrewsbury was a thriving boathouse.

SHREWSBURY – Many people that pass by the building that sits at the northeast corner of the Kenneth Burns bridge over Lake Quinsigamond wonder why the structure has been vacant for so many years. The history of that location goes back to the mid-1800s, when the Haas and Fenner boathouse occupied the same spot. Years later, a number of buildings were built just east of the boathouse. These housed the Dufresne Brothers Laundry, White City Market, and a number of other small businesses. They were later replaced by an apartment house and still more small businesses.

In the late 1980s, the property was purchased and the current building was erected and housed McQuale’s restaurant. After a few years of seemingly successful operation, the business abruptly closed. The building was then home to a series of successful restaurants―East Side Mario’s, which was followed in 2001 by Vinny T’s, and still later Bucca di Beppo, which operated until 2015.

The last business to occupy this vacant Shrewsbury building on Lake Quinsigamond was the Bucca di Beppo restaurant. (Photo/ Michael Perna Jr.)

The last business to occupy this vacant Shrewsbury building on Lake Quinsigamond was the Bucca di Beppo restaurant. (Photo/ Michael Perna Jr.)

The building has been vacant ever since and has greatly deteriorated over time. In recent years local officials have described it as “an eyesore” and it was reported to be a haven for homeless people. After a number of warnings from the Shrewsbury Select Board, the owners of the building completed some renovations. However, the building remains vacant to this day, with a seemingly scant chance of ever being occupied again.

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