The Marlborough Senior Center is located at 40 New Street in Marlborough. (Photo/Jesse Kucewicz)
MARLBOROUGH – Mayor Arthur Vigeant and Veterans Services Officer Mike Hennessy have announced that there will be a health fair for veterans on Saturday, Aug. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Marlborough Senior Center, 40 New St.
“While our mission is to help all veterans, we are hopeful that a Saturday event will enable our younger generation of veterans who aren’t able to take time out of their busy weekdays to take advantage of vital services,” said Vigeant.
State and local organizations and agencies will provide information to veterans on various services they offer.
“We have coordinated with the VetCenter, VA Boston, SAVE Team, State Veteran Services, VA Bedford Holistic Care, Video Games for Vets, Sweats for Vets and local EMS staff to provide blood pressure and vitals testing,” said Hennessy.
The SAVE Team is an outreach program that connects veterans with peers to help them access eligible benefits, services and support. The VetCenter provides services, including counseling to veterans, at no cost. VA Boston and VA Bedford will offer a wide range of health- and support-related services. The Massachusetts Association of Reflexology will offer demos with massage chair, tables and meditation.
Other organizations include Sweats for Vets, Warrior Within and Veterans Northeast Outreach.
All veterans are welcome, and questions can be answered by calling veterans services at 508-485-6492 or the mayor’s office at 508-460-3770.