Friday, Aug. 25
9:20 p.m. Arrested, Brian Arthur Leao, 34, of 88 High Point Dr., N Grafton, for disorderly conduct.
Wednesday, Aug. 23
9:49 a.m. Arrested, Mitchell R. Jacquart, 29, of 25 Linda Ave., Millbury, for possession Class B substance, tinted glass violation, number plate violation.
Friday, Aug. 25
10:11 a.m. Arrested, Paul G. Bickford, 43, of 70 Boylston Cir., Shrewsbury, for shoplifting by concealing merchandise 2nd offse.
Saturday, Aug. 26
5:10 p.m. Arrested, Madiinah Namutebi, 42, of 19 Reardon St., Worcester, for oper MV with license suspended/revoked, resisting arrest.
9:13 p.m. Arrested, Daniel Scot Minardi, 52, of 30 Robin Rd., Westborough, for OUI liquor, neg operation of MV (operate to endanger), failure to yield at intersection, fail to stop for police, speeding, fail to stop/yield, marked lanes.
10:05 p.m. Arrested, Keithon Timar Perry, 24, of 934 Hilltop Dr., Walpole, for possession Class B substance, unregistered vehicle, no inspection sticker, MV lights violation.
Sunday, Aug. 27
2:18 a.m. Arrested, Lukasz K. Knutelski, 45, of 5 Lindy St., Millbury, for boat OUI-liquor or .08%, A&B attempt to disarm a police officer, A&B on police officer, aggravated assault, assault with dangerous weapon (2 cts).
Monday, Aug. 28
4:29 p.m. Arrested, Joel Penaloza, 56, of 247 Woodrow, Dorchester, for trash/litter from MV, drink alcohol from open container in MV, warrant, and Luis Enrique Rodriguez Leon, 44, of 4 Lorne St., Apt. 1, Dorchester, on warrant.
Wednesday, Aug. 30
2:22 a.m. Arrested, Alfredo Murua, 48, of 5790 Kristen Lee Crt., Las Vegas, NV, for speeding in violation of special regulation, marked lanes violation, OUI liquor.
9:46 a.m. Arrested, Jonzel G. Diaz, 28, of 11 Weldon Ave., Apt. 1, Worcester, for oper MV with license suspended/revoked, unregistered vehicle.
7:37 p.m. Arrested, Raphael A. Tetteh, 45, of 9 Demarco Ter., Worcester, on warrant.
Thursday, Aug. 24
2:57 p.m. Arrested, Gustavo D. Dasilva-Souza, 31, of 153 Bolton St., Apt. 2, Marlborough, on trespass.
4:44 p.m. Arrested, Thomas Stephen Reilly, 36, of 191 Hosmer St., Marlborough, on warrant.
Friday, Aug. 25
6:49 p.m. Arrested, Justin Lee Anderson-Donahue, 42, of 91 Denoncourt St., Marlborough, for OUI-liquor or .08% 2nd offense, negligent operation of motor vehicle.
Monday, Aug. 28
1:35 a.m. Arrested, Dimitri A. Gelin, 24, of 33 Briarwood Ln., Apt. 3, Marlborough, for A&B on public employee, A&B with dangerous weapon, number plate violation to conceal ID.
Wednesday, Aug. 30
12:21 a.m. Arrested, Alexie Villanueva, 37, of 42 Marien Ln., Marlborough, for assault to rob/firearm-armed.
Saturday, Aug. 19
4:36 p.m. Arrested, Matheus Lucas Silva, 30, of 8 Alpine St., Apt. 2B, Worcester, for op MV with license suspended.
9:47 p.m. Arrested, Isaac E. Gomez, 22, of 26 PO Box 74, Marlborough, for speeding in violation of special regulation, negligent operation of motor vehicle, OUI-liquor or .08%.
Sunday, Aug. 20
7:49 p.m. Arrested, Joao Victor S. Dasilva, 21, of 7 Howe St., Apt. 15, Hudson, for fail to stop/yield, unlicensed operation of MV, op MV with license suspended, negligent operation of motor vehicle, marked lanes violation.
Saturday, Aug. 26
7:12 p.m. Arrested, Aliaksei Mikhailov Asipchuk, 36, of 58 Pearl St., Apt. 1, Attleboro, for fail to yield at intersection, negligent operation of motor vehicle, OUI-liquor or .08%, possess open container of alcohol in MV, marked lanes violation.
The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.