HUDSON – Personnel from Natick Labs will be guest speakers at the meeting of Hudson Historical Society Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. at First Federated Church Hall, 200 Central St., Hudson.
David Accetta, U.S. Army chief publicity officer, and Ms. Lauren Oleksyk, senior food technologist (retired), will describe “Evolution of Military Combat Rations” from 1775 until now. They will have rations on display and will list “technology transfers,” results of Natick Labs experiments which can be seen in the grocery store. The public is invited and refreshments will be served.
90th birthday
Hudson native and life-long resident Ruby DesRochers marked her 90th birthday on Feb. 6. She was honored by a group of friends with a birthday cake and lunch at Finnegan’s Pub, South Street, on Feb. 7. Ruby is a retired employee of Avidia Bank and an active member and volunteer at the Hudson Senior Center.

Hudson resident Ruby DesRocher, seated with cake at rear, was honored on her 90th birthday with a party at Finnigan’s Pub, South Street, by group of friends, seated from left: Joanne Buckley, Sheila Caty, Donna Dimmock, Nancy Jacobs, (Ruby) Kathy Glynn, Mary Coffey, Pat Ledoux, Audrey Davidson and Jan Daigneault. (Photo/Courtesy)
Of local interest
Word has been received of the death of Hudson native Patricia “Patty” Walsh, 75, retired employee of Hudson Public Library, on Oct. 27, 2023. Funeral arrangements were private and burial was at Forestvale Cemetery. She was the daughter of the late James and Phyllis (Videto) Walsh. Ms. Walsh was a 1966 graduate of Hudson High School and a graduate of Worcester State College. She was assistant circulation librarian at the Hudson Public Library from 1971 until her retirement in 2003.
New theology post for Hudson native
Rev. Dr. Jennifer Quigley and her husband, Rev. Dr. Soren Hessler, have been appointed to join the faculty of Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, Ga., in fall 2024. Rev. Dr. Quigley is the daughter of Hudson natives Prof. Dan Quigley and Joanne (Mega) Quigley R.N., of Huntington, Long Island, N.Y. She is currently assistant professor at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, Nashville, Tenn. Her husband, Rev. Dr. Hessler is director of recruitment and admissions at Vanderbilt University Divinity School.
JFK remembered
Hudson Public Library will present a program “Gifts We Can Barely Carry,” featuring songs from President John F. Kennedy’s Ireland visit, and a concert/film by Kevin Farley, Tuesday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the library, 3 Washington St. The program is supported by grant from Hudson Cultural Council, a local agency, and Mass. Cultural Council, a state agency. Nancy DelVecchio, circulation librarian, invites the public to this interesting program honoring the memory of JFK.
Celebration of Life
A “Celebration of Life” in honor of Gregg “Reech” Kenyon will be Saturday, March 2, from noon to 4 p.m. at Hudson Lodge of Elks, Park St. Kenyon, 59, died on Jan. 23, 2024. He was a 1983 graduate of Hudson High School and retired employee of Hudson Light and Power Dept. after 30 years.
Symphony Pro Musica
Hudson’s own orchestra, Symphony Pro Musica, will present its next concert, “Happy Birthday Herr Bruckner,” Saturday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. at Paul “Skip” Johnson auditorium, Hudson High School, and Sunday, March 17, at 3 p.m. at Putnam Family Arts Center, St. Mark’s School, Southborough. As a prelude to Bruckner’s Symphony No. 5, gifted young virtuoso musician, 22-year-old French hornist Graham Lovely will perform Mozart’s Horn Concerto No. 4. For information about tickets go to or call the SPM office 508-380-6018.
Milestone birthday
Hudson resident Trisha Desmond, retired librarian at Hudson Public Library, was honored on her milestone birthday, Feb. 8, with a dinner party at Ruth Chris Steak House in Worcester. Those attending were, her husband, Tom Desmond, Linda LeSage, Chuck LeSage, Corinne Ethier, all of Hudson, Bill and Joanne Wiggins of Acton, Pam and Dave Ellingwood of Shrewsbury and Deb Kane of Medway.
Feb. 24 – Peggi Sullivan, Katie DeRusha, Tammy Loring and Ralph Davis
Feb. 25 – Bob Berube, Haley Donahue, Joan Vincent, Tom Boudreau, Martin Miller, Aimee Chaves, ZoeAnn Leipens, George Sousa and Grace Masciarelli
Feb. 26 – Wally Howard, Bethann Bruso, Rebecca Moran, Hugo Correa, Nicole Hogan and Sara Neuffer
Feb. 27 – Kelsey Nicole Ruiz, Andy Bauer and Katie Dunnell
Feb. 28 – Linda Palmer, Bob Durand, David Bairos, Ann Marie Lopez and Jimmy McMahon
Feb. 29 – Angie Wilcox Flynn and Keaghan O’Leary
Mar. 1 – Will Sullivan, Meghan May, Ella Crue, Steve Calvao and Kathy Nutter
Mar. 3 – Warren Cunningham and Matt Mayo
Mar. 4 – Melissa DiFonzo and Corinne Bouchard
Mar. 5 – Sue Ellen Ferguson and Melissa Little
Mar. 6 – David Opp, Michael Wood, Stephanie Domenicucci and Fran Wolfe
Mar. 7 – Beth Bumbarger, Frank Lindsey, Lorenzo Percuoco, Donna Marques, Robert Mitchell, Morganda Bairos, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Brianna Moran, Juvenalia Figueiredo and Mark Coelho
Mar. 8 – Lynette Davis, Kerri Lampinen, Ryan Pinto and Harry Millman Sr.
Feb. 24 – Allen and Laurie Brown
Feb. 26 – Leo and Connie Palatino.
Hudson Girls Club members were planning a skating party at Cox Street hockey rink. Hudson Lodge of Elks celebrated a mortgage burning, weekend of March 31. Two out-of -town men were arrested for fishing through the ice at Gate’s Pond, Hudson water reservoir.
Hudson Catholic High School cheerleader Janice Costedio suffered a broken leg in a fall at practice. Helen Gibbons, principal at Linden St. School, returned to her duties after being confined with a broken ankle. Hudson Selectmen estimated the Hudson population at 17,000.
MaryAnn Foisy was on the dean’s list at Middlesex Community College. Donna Eastman modeled an original Finnish Girl Guide uniform at Hudson Girl Scout International Festival.
Send items for Hudson Happ’nings to 18 Cottage St., Hudson, MA 01749 or email [email protected].