Community survey available on Marlborough’s city website


Community survey available on Marlborough’s city website
Mayor J. Christian Dumais’ community survey will be available through March 1. (Photo/Dakota Antelman)

MARLBOROUGH – Mayor J. Christian Dumais announced that as of Feb. 5, his community survey is available on the city website and will be promoted in the upcoming newsletter, social media and other city communication channels. 

The community survey was first announced during the transition period back in November by then Mayor-elect Dumais. Up until today, the survey was only available on the mayor’s transition website.

The survey was created as an effort to solicit feedback from residents and business owners surrounding the issues facing Marlborough. The survey consists of a few pointed questions, as well as an open-ended field where participants can share their thoughts on any issues they wish. Questions take into account some specific areas like seniors, veterans and parents, and they aim to collect important data points. 

The results of the survey will help bring attention to the issues important to Marlborough residents and business owners and will help inform decision making on the city level. The survey is a one-way communication tool; responses will not be provided to those who submit them.

“Listening to the ideas and concerns of Marlborough residents and business owners is one of my top priorities. Since making it available on the transition website at the end of November, we have received over 200 completed surveys. Now that we have made the community survey available on the city website, and will be promoting it elsewhere, it is my goal to dramatically increase that number,” said Dumais.

Residents and business owners will have until March 1 to complete the survey, which can be found at

For questions about the survey, or to report technical issues call 508-460-3770.

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