Westborough Historical Society offers programs


Westborough town iconWESTBOROUGH – The Westborough Historical Society will host the following programs. For information, visit www.westboroughhistory.org.

Sunday, April 28, 1 to 4 p.m. – Open house, 13 Parkman St.: Visit period rooms and take a docent tour of four centuries of artifacts that capture Westborough’s history. Free.

Monday, May 6, 6:30 p.m., Westborough Public Library meeting room: “You Can Write and Publish a Book!” Published authors from Westborough describe their experiences on writing and getting their work published.

This discussion will include Wednesday Boateng, Mary Christensen, Jillian Hensley, Phil Kittridge and Tom Salvemini. Co-sponsored by Westborough Public Library. Free.

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