Remembering summer fun – a century ago


By Michael Perna Jr., Contributing Writer   

Remembering summer fun – a century ago
A vintage post card shows summer at Lincoln Park in Worcester.
Photo/Michael Perna Jr.

Shrewsbury/Worcester – Lincoln Park was a very early amusement park – located on the Worcester shore of Lake Quinsigamond. It first opened in the years just after the Civil War.  As the years went by, various attractions were added – an open air theater, carousel, various games of chance, a dance hall, roller skating rink and hotel all were eventually incorporated into the park. 

This view, taken around 1910 or so, is looking northwest and shows not only the park, but Coburn’s Boathouse.  J. J. Coburn was the man who originally developed not only Lincoln Park, but the Quinsigamond House Hotel, located on the small island just offshore from the park.  He also brought the first steamboats to the lake, and, later, developed the Lake View area.  The park grew smaller in later years, partially due to competition from the White City Amusement Park, located just across the lake in Shrewsbury.  By the 1970s, all that remained was the roller skating rink and hotel, both of which ended up burning.  Today, an elderly housing complex and, a bit to the south, a condominium complex, stand on the site.

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