A Crystal Mine is a resource for inspiration, healing and energizing


A Crystal Mine is a resource for inspiration, healing and energizing
Jaime Sens stands in A Crystal Mine. (Photo/Kathryn Acciari)

WESTBOROUGH – Enter the doors of A Crystal Mine, and you enter a world where science and magic intersect. 

Jaime Sens and her husband, who are former restaurant owners, opened A Crystal Mine in spring of 2022 after discovering crystals during the pandemic.

“I had always been attracted to crystals,” said Sens. “Every stone is special, beautiful, and unique. I was shopping at a crystal store one day and picked up a piece of scolecite, which is known as a calming stone. I went home with that stone and slept like a baby.” 

Sens became intrigued with the structure of stones as well as the ways they are formed. Crystals are created under different circumstances and environments, such as in caves or any water-rich locations, or in volcanic areas where molten rock flows and under various temperatures and pressures. They all have different exposure to the elements over time that affect their unique structure, color, and size. Sens finds that a lot of people are drawn to crystals these days both for their innate beauty and ‘magic.’ 

“I had always had a more academic approach to stones, more scientific,” said Sens. “But I became interested in learning about stones’ energy and vibration levels. Many cultures study the body’s energy. For example, the Hindus believe and have passed on to us the knowledge about our chakra energy centers. Crystals may look dormant, but they are full of energy vibrations that resonate with us. Their structures grow and build over millions and even billions of years.”

Sens is fascinated by the way that different crystals amplify each other when paired. 

“When you choose a crystal, you have to set your intentions into it,” said Sens. “Moldavite, for example, is intense and high-energy. It transfers its energy very quickly; if you don’t set your intentions, it will take direction for you. Scolecite calms moldavite’s energy and balances it.”

In the shop, Sens sees customers who come in looking for healing and strength, others for decor, or to add to their current crystal collection. One common thread that Sens notices is that everyone who enters the store is pleasant. 

“I don’t think I’ve seen a single impatient person since we opened. Crystals make people calm and happy,” said Sens. “With A Crystal Mine, I hope that people will come in to gain awareness of their energy and learn to refill their tank. People are ready to feel good. A Crystal Mine is a feel-good place.”

Visit their store at 276 Turnpike Road in Westborough or at acrystalmine.com.

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