Learn about proposed acquisition of Ellis-Walker property


Learn about proposed acquisition of Ellis-Walker property

WESTBOROUGH – Learn more about the proposed acquisition of the Ellis-Walker property (known as 0 Bowman St.) on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. at the Westborough Fire Station Training Room, 42 Milk St.

This information session is sponsored by the town’s Conservation Commission.

The proposal is on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant as Article 20.

The parcel, near the Upton town line, is 34 acres, and once served as pasture land. It is now a mix of open meadows, forested uplands and wetlands.

The acquisition would help the town conserve open space, provide wildlife habitat, protect the town’s drinking water supply, and offer passive recreation such as hiking.

About the article

The Open Space Committee and Conservation Department are requesting an appropriation of $615,000, plus $25,000 for the initial stewardship of the property.

The funds would mainly come from Free Cash ($507,500) and $107,500 from the Walkup Robinson Fund.

According to the article, these funds would not be expended until “the town receives a commitment for a grant of $307,500 from the Land and Water Conservation Fund and $200,000 from Sudbury Valley Trustees Inc. or other organization for the grant of a perpetual conservation restriction, which grants and funds, once received, will reimburse the town $507,500 of the purchase price.”

“Initial stewardship funds of $25,000 and $107,500 of the purchase price shall be contributed by the Walkup Robinson Trust and shall not be reimbursed.”

If the article is approved, the Select Board would be authorized to acquire the property, which would be used as conservation land and passive recreation.

It would also authorize the Select Board, Conservation Commission and/or other designee to seek out federal and state grants; to enter into any and all agreements; and to convey a perpetual conservation restriction on the parcel to Sudbury Valley Trustees Inc., or any other qualified organization.

This article will require a 2/3 majority vote.

Town Meeting will convene on Saturday, March 23, at 9 a.m. in the high school auditorium.

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