Shrewsbury announces upcoming local electronic recycling day


Shrewsbury announces upcoming local electronic recycling dayShrewsbury – An electronic recycling day will be held Sunday, April 22, from 1 to 4 p.m., in Shrewsbury. The event will be taking place in back of the Glavin Center, 214 Lake St., by the soccer field, and the cost is $30 per carload or other low item fees.

Electronics that will be accepted include computers, monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, cables, power supplies, cords, phones, cell phones, radios, stereos, games, toys, copiers, and fax machines. TVs will be accepted, but the fee will be assessed at 50 cents per pound. Also accepted will be refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, microwaves, vacuums, mixers, toasters, etc.; lawn mowers, snow blowers, yard tools, power tools, hand tools, and exercise equipment – all fuel and oil must be removed from the equipment; all metals, such as lawn furniture, broken tools, pots and pans, fencing, wire, extension cords, ladders, bicycles, swing sets, chains, tire rims, etc.; and all plastics such as kid's toys, kids pools, coolers, baby furniture, baby carriages, and car seats.

Wood, glass, rubber, liquids, and upholstered furniture will not be accepted.

The electronic recycling day is sponsored by the Shrewsbury Rotary Club. For more information, visit

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