Local Cub Scouts win prestigious science award


(l to r) Cub Scouts Niko Prifti, Jason Rogers, Brock Defeudis, Danny Stameris and Michael Valutkevich, all students of Sherwood Middle School, received the Nova Award. (Photo/submitted)

(l to r) Cub Scouts Niko Prifti, Jason Rogers, Brock Defeudis, Danny Stameris and Michael Valutkevich, all students of Sherwood Middle School, received the Nova Award. (Photo/submitted)

Shrewsbury – The Cub Scout Webelo boys of Pack 114, Den 5, in Shrewsbury are only the second group in Central Massachusetts to earn the prestigious Nova Award, as part of the Scouts initiative to encourage learning in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The hope is that the requirements and activities for earning these awards stimulates interest in STEM-related fields and shows how science, technology, engineering and mathematics apply to everyday living and the world around them.

The boys have worked closely with their den leaders, Tara Rogers and Cindy Prifti, as well as their mentor, Steve Lockwood, to ensure that all of the requirements were fulfilled. Over the course of eight months, the Scouts learned about famous scientists, conducted their own experiments, and met with professionals in the field as part of the activities that aided in receiving the award. For one activity, the Scouts visited Tufts University and received a “behind the scenes” tour.

For their first Nova award, Scouts earn the distinctive Nova award patch. After that, a Scout can earn three more Nova awards, each one recognized with a separate pin that attaches to the patch. The patch and the three pins represent each of the four STEM topics??”science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

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