Westborough – PENTA Communications, Inc., a marketing, advertising and public relations firm headquartered in Westborough, recently announced its $2,500 donation to the United Nations (UN) Foundation in celebration of United Nations Day Oct. 24.
The UN Foundation is a 501c3 public charity that supports the UN and strengthens US-UN relations through public education, advocacy, and outreach. The foundation also supports UN efforts financially through grant-making and by building innovative public-private partnerships with corporations, NGOs, foundations, and individuals.
PENTA, a member of the United Nations Global Compact, has demonstrated its local commitment to the UN Foundation through its support of numerous community organizations.
The donation is one of 25 that the firm is making as part of its community giveback campaign in honor of its 25th anniversary. The firm has designated 25 organizations to which it will donate before the end of 2013.
“We believe in strengthening communities both locally and globally,” said Deborah Penta, CEO of PENTA. “We take our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact seriously and are pleased to offer support to its foundation in honor of both our 25th anniversary year, and in an effort to help build awareness for United Nations Day.”