Northborough Scout honored for earning Eagle rank


Eagle Scout Andrew G. Petlock (Photo/submitted)

Eagle Scout Andrew G. Petlock (Photo/submitted)

Northborough – Andrew G. Petlock of Troop 101 Northborough was honored for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout at a special Court of Honor ceremony held at Trinity Church last fall. The rank of Eagle is the highest rank that a Boy Scout may achieve, and is earned by only about five percent of all Scouts worldwide.

Petlock was a student at the Robert E. Melican Middle School when he decided to improve the school's nature trail for his Eagle project, to facilitate greater use by the science classes. He organized a series of work sessions in which 28 volunteers cleared the overgrown trail, and then built and installed an additional 144 feet of boardwalk through the muddiest areas. He also built a kiosk box and installed it at the start of the trail, containing an updated trail map and information on local flora and fauna. In all, over 250 volunteer hours were spent on this project.

Petlock participated in many troop camping trips and has held a variety of positions within Troop 101, including senior patrol leader and junior assistant Scoutmaster. He was elected to the Order of the Arrow (Boy Scouting's national honor society), and has earned numerous awards and 39 merit badges to date. Petlock is also a certified scuba diver, and a member of Algonquin's robotics team. He is the son of Frances Habib and Steven Petlock of Northborough.

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