Town Meeting approves Northborough police siding project


Town Meeting approves Northborough police siding project
Town Meeting approved replacing the siding of the Northborough Police Station. (Photo/Laura Hayes)

NORTHBOROUGH – Town Meeting approved an amendment on April 22, which will lower the amount of funds appropriated for a siding project at the Northborough Police Station.

Town Meeting was asked to consider an appropriation of $540,000 to replace the siding and trim of the police station. Of the total, $70,000 will be re-appropriated from an article approved during the 2023 Town Meeting to paint and repair the exterior of the station.

During the meeting, several residents voiced concerns about the price.

Resident Doug Stone made an amendment to lower the appropriation to $200,000. Combined with the article from 2023, this would result in a total appropriation of $270,000.

Town Meeting approved the amendment 196-98. Ultimately, the article was approved 225-45.

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