NEF’s Trivia Night Raises $11,300 for Northborough schools


Members of the winning team Pigs Might Fly are (l to r) Pete English, Karen English, Jodi Del Re and Jessica Greenblatt. (Photo/Sue Ogar)

Members of the winning team Pigs Might Fly are (l to r) Pete English, Karen English, Jodi Del Re and Jessica Greenblatt. (Photo/Sue Ogar)

Northborough – Forty-two teams matched wits at the Northborough Education Foundation’s (NEF) sixth annual Team Trivia Night March 27. The event raising a record-breaking $11,300 for Northborough’s public schools.

After battling through five rounds of questions on subjects such as local history, politics, pop culture, science and sports, it was team Pigs Might Fly that had the winning score. This was a huge win as team Let’s Look It Up (also known as The Librarians) has held the title for the past four years. This year they finished in second place.

The event was held at Acacia at Indian Meadows in Westborough and was made possible by event sponsor Marlborough Savings Bank and event supporters Capital Environmental, St. Mary’s Credit Union, and Realtor Karen Scopetski.

Participation in this year’s event increased substantially with 15 more registered teams than in 2014 and the proceeds almost quadrupled. A silent auction was also held and assisted in the evening’s success.

For more information on the NEF and upcoming events, visit

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