Steve Levine, President of Steve Levine Inc. and an agent at REMAX Professional Associates. 508-735-4663. www.stevelevine.com
It’s as predictable as the changing of the leaves itself. As soon as the summer ends, the homeowners return from vacations, the kids start school or move off to college, people start thinking about selling their homes.
While most of my spring and summer home sellers were thinking of upgrading to a larger home or relocating out of the region, the fall market is usually made up of people looking to downsize, as they send the last of their kids off to school. In fact, those calls started coming in even as parents were still out shopping for extra-long dorm room sheets, and as soon as they were done moving their last one off to school, many of them were on the phone with me. In some cases it was just a cathartic experience, because the home was just physically too big with the kids gone. In other cases, it was a matter of not wanting to continue paying the high taxes that came along with raising their children in a town with amazing schools. Either way, the floodgates seem to really open up right after Labor Day weekend, with great fall inventory.
It made me wonder if perhaps there was a way to give back a bit to these special folks. After all, I’m one of them, and just moved my youngest off to school, so I most certainly know the feeling of rambling around an empty house, and wondering what to do with all of this space?
Well, after giving it some thought, I came up with a way to modify my Homeowners Blend program and put together a special incentive that may save some of these newly bred empty-nesters another few thousand dollars, in ADDITION to the already amazing savings of up to 50 percent. I suppose I can’t stay in business doing that for too long, but I’ll tell you what – let’s make it available to the first five new clients who reach out this month, who are new empty nest families, with a child now off in college. For you first five, I have a package that will really be nothing short of fantastic. Maybe you can put the extra money toward those tuition payments. I know that’s what I would do about now.
In terms of the overall marketplace, you can expect October to be a fantastic time to get top dollar for your property. The spring market is always busy, but with the inventory at its highest point, it doesn’t always favor the sellers. Likewise, as summer sweeps in, many of the buyers seem to go into hibernation. With the cooler temperatures of fall, however, and much of the inventory off the table, the pendulum can quickly switch to one of low supply, high demand, which means better sales prices for sellers.
To receive my free report – “10 Tips for Getting Top Dollar in the Fall Market,” email me at [email protected].
To learn more about the “Empty Nester Discount Program,” email me at [email protected], and I’d be more than happy to walk you through the process itself.
Either way, I hope you have a safe and happy fall season, and as I enter my 30th year serving the home buyers and sellers of central Massachusetts, I thank you so much for putting your confidence in me.
Steve Levine has been recognized consistently as one of the top agents in the world, He is president of Steve Levine, Inc., and an agent with REMAX Professional Associates, and can be reached at 508-735-4663.