By Melanie Petrucci, Senior Community Reporter

Lt. Governor Karyn Polito (second from left) with (l to r) Fred Russell, Rep. Hannah Kane, WWII and Korean Conflict Army veterans George Coteau and Roger Faucher, and selectmen Jim Kane, Moe DePalo and Beth Casavant
Shrewsbury – At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Shrewsbury remembered its veterans on Veteran’s Day, marking 99 years since the end of World War I. Nov. 11, was a beautiful but frigid day. The remembrance was held at the World War I Memorial at Beal School. In opening remarks, attendees were reminded by John Lebeaux, chair of the Shrewsbury Board of Selectmen that our veterans suffered much worse.
Lt. Governor Karyn Polito briefly addressed the gathering, referencing a story that she read about a Vietnam War medic whose mission was to go into dangerous areas and rescue the injured while putting his own life at risk. His mission was “to leave no man behind.” He keenly accepted the responsibility of others when he was called to serve and was a true American.
“Those are the stories that we need to continue to share,” Polito said. “We in Shrewsbury, while we feel safe and at peace here in our hometown, we take time today to remember and we as elected leaders and officials need to do our part and say thank you and to be here at this eleventh hour.”
Fred Russell from the Victor R. Quaranta Post 397 served as master of ceremonies and also laid a wreath at the monument. Members of the Shrewsbury Girl Scouts lead the Pledge of Allegiance and the third-grade chorus from Paton School performed the National Anthem and a Salute to the Armed Forces.
The event concluded with a bell ringing and a reading of the names of recently deceased veterans by Jim Dunlevy and Mike Bellows from the VFW Charles Murphy Post. “Taps” was performed by Patrick Ryan from the Shrewsbury High School Band.
(Photos/Melanie Petrucci)