Westborough’s Pack 100 honors Scouts in virtual ceremony


Westborough’s Pack 100 honors Scouts in virtual ceremony
Pack 100’s 11 Scouts who earned Arrow Light

Westborough – Pack 100 Westborough held their Arrow of Light ceremony and Webelos 2 crossover on May 9.  Originally scheduled to be held during the Pack’s annual Blue and Gold dinner on May 2, Den Leader Jenn Levine organized a virtual ceremony to honor the 11 Scouts who earned the Arrow Light, the highest honor Cub Scouts can bestow a scout and the only award from Cub Scouts that the recipient will wear on their Boy Scout uniform.  

Cubmaster Bill Bramley congratulated the 11 Scouts and thanked Levine and her Den Chief Shawn Levine, stating: “They did a terrific job organizing all aspects of the event — creating the virtual stage, compiling the achievements and distributing the ceremonial arrows  for each Scout.”   

As the following Scouts were receiving their ceremonial arrows from their parents, Eric French, Scoutmaster of Troup 100 Westborough, fired off an arrow for each as the Scouts and families watched.  The Pack congratulates the following scouts and wishes them the very best as their Scouting journey continues. 

The Scouts honored were: Aidan Chan, Jack Egan, Jonathan Fairbanks, Suhaas Goluguri, Bruin Guilbert, Ryan Hall, Sam Jordan, Sawyer Jordan, Atharv Joshi, Nolan Kelley and Brian Levine. 

For more information on Pack 100 visit https://www.pack100westborough.org


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