Northborough has released its RFP for White Cliffs. (Photo/Laura Hayes)
NORTHBOROUGH – The request for proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment and reuse of the White Cliffs mansion has officially hit the streets.
The RFP became available on Oct. 12, marking the latest step in Northborough’s efforts to solicit potential private sector partners to rehabilitate the mansion and get it back into use.
“Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), the Town intends to offer the Property to the qualified developer, owner, end user (Respondent) that submits the proposal most advantageous to the Town,” the RFP read.
The town noted that a successful respondent would be responsible for the permitting, funding, construction and ongoing property management.
History of White Cliffs
Northborough purchased White Cliffs, which was a summer home for Smith & Wesson co-founder Daniel Wesson, back in 2016.
This move saved White Cliffs from demolition after the LaCava family had applied for a demolition permit.
White Cliffs sits on just over seven acres of land at 167 Main Street. Town assessor’s records indicate that the three-story building is 18,781 square feet, including 1960s and 1970s ballroom and kitchen additions.
“The White Cliffs Mansion is a prominent and valued part of the Northborough community and the Town cares very deeply about its preservation and reuse,” the RFP said.
The property sits between two zoning districts with the building itself sitting in the Residence C District and the frontage and most of the front yard in Business East, according to the RFP.
The RFP noted that the Planning Board is proposing a zoning amendment for the annual Town Meeting next year that would move the entire property within Business East, which allows for by-right uses like cultural uses, retail, art studios and galleries, offices, personal services, bead and breakfasts, eateries, catering services and a mix of business and residential uses.
While the mansion is not listed on state or national registers of historic places or have a preservation restriction, the RFP said the town intends to establish a restriction, which will be a condition of any transfer to a successful applicant.
The award of a contract will be based on the recommendation of the White Cliffs Committee and subject to approval by the Board of Selectmen and Town Meeting action as required.
Any proposals should be received by Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. Prior to the deadline, the town has scheduled a site visit for Nov. 1.
The RFP can be found online at https://www.town.northborough.ma.us/administration/bids/request-proposals-white-cliffs-mansion-redevelopment-and-reuse.
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