The Boys & Girls Club of MetroWest is located at 169 Pleasant Street in Marlborough. The club was one of the local organizations to receive a grant from the Sudbury Foundation.
(Photo/Dakota Antelman)
SUDBURY – Several local organizations have received grants from the Sudbury Foundation.
The MetroWest Free Medical Program in Marlborough earned a grant of $10,000; the Boys and Girls Club of MetroWest in Marlborough received $200,000; the Hudson Community Food Pantry received $5,500; and the Marlborough Community Cupboard/UWTC received $5,500.
Overall, the foundation awarded $887,829 in grants to 42 organizations in its second round of granting for 2023.
“The Sudbury Foundation is delighted to support such a wide range of organizations and projects with our most recent round of funding. We are excited to see all of our grantees strengthen their programming over the coming years,” said Sudbury Foundation Executive Director Sonia Shah.
For more information, visit https://sudburyfoundation.org/.