FedEx property expansion approved by Northborough ZBA


FedEx Freight is located at 300 Bartlett Street. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

FedEx Freight is located at 300 Bartlett Street. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

NORTHBOROUGH – Efforts to expand a site currently occupied by FedEx Freight are moving forward.

During the July 25 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, the board approved a special permit to extend a nonconforming use and a special permit with site plan approval to be able to expand an existing trucking terminal.

The property at 300 Bartlett Street is owned by NBI Northborough.

Under the plans, 20 loading bays will be added in addition to a break room and maintenance building.

Since the project has appeared before the Zoning Board of Appeals, there has been discussion about traffic and, specifically, whether vehicles should be able to turn left out of the property.

When NBI was last before the ZBA in June, the board urged the owner to incorporate a physical improvement at the driveway to restrict trucks from turning left out of the site.

RELATED CONTENT: ZBA discusses turning restrictions with FedEx property owner

Project engineer Peter Ellison said that since the last meeting, he developed plans for the layout of the improved driveway. He said the island in the center of the driveway is at an angle to direct vehicles to the right.

Ellison presented models of various size vehicles attempting to turn left and right in and out of the site. His presentation indicated that the Northborough Fire Department’s largest vehicle would be able to turn left out of and right into the site.

The plans also have larger, clearer signs directing the truck drivers to turn right out of the site.

“Essentially, what we’ve been able to accomplish through this concept is we can restrict tractor trailer trucks from turning left. We can allow passenger cars to turn left. We don’t lose any emergency access through this layout, and we’ve provided the additional signage,” Ellison said. “Hopefully, the board agrees that [the signs are] distinct and clear enough to get the message across to all truck drivers to turn right.”

One of the conditions for approval also outlines which way the drivers should turn. There is also language saying that the applicant will provide training and education for the drivers during their pre-shift meetings so that they’re aware of the turning restriction.

RELATED CONTENT: Traffic from proposed FedEx expansion discussed at ZBA

As of the meeting, Ellison said that NBI didn’t have neighboring Amazon’s “express approval” for the concept for the driveway. However, he said that Amazon was open to modifying the driveway during past meetings, noting that Amazon has the turn restriction in their special permits.

Ellison said that Amazon’s engineering department would need to weigh in and review the plans.

“The condition of approval that [Planning Director Laurie Connors] has written and incorporated covers the board and should make you feel comfortable because, at the end of the day, we need to coordinate with Amazon and town staff is the one who makes the final call on whether it accomplishes the board’s goals or not,” Ellison said.

Chair Paul Tagliaferri said the board appreciated NBI’s effort to come up with the design and modeling it out.

“I think that this is definitely a step in the right direction for this site. It accomplishes some of the goals that we’ve been looking for both your facility and the Amazon facility,” Tagliaferri said.

There is also a condition calling to eradicate an invasive plant called bigleaf lupine from the property.

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